What is intrusive technology

How technology can enhance rather than hinder customer experiences

I find myself reflecting on a topic that I believe is crucial – what I like to call “intrusive technology”. It's an issue that needs addressing, especially in the context of visitor attractions and how we engage with our surroundings.

In our daily lives, we are constantly bombarded with technology. Even when we seek to disconnect and immerse ourselves in nature or in any other attraction, screens seem to follow us everywhere. This constant presence of technology can detract from the natural engagement and enjoyment that these experiences are meant to offer.

When people think of technology and software, the immediate image that comes to mind is often that of a screen. We associate tech with having our faces buried in devices, which can indeed take away from the authentic experience of being present in a location. However, I firmly believe that technology doesn't always have to be intrusive. In fact, it can enhance our experiences in ways that don't require eyes glued to a screen.

At Fluff, we approach technology from a different perspective. We strive to create solutions that enhance visitor experiences without being disruptive. Here are a few ways we can incorporate tech in a non-intrusive manner:

Better Planning Tools

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to use technology is through advanced planning tools. These tools can help visitors organise their trips ahead of time, ensuring they make the most of their day. By providing interactive maps, itineraries, and personalised recommendations, visitors can plan their visits efficiently and focus on enjoying their day.

Audio Experiences

Audio experiences offer a fantastic way to engage visitors without requiring them to look at a screen. Whether through headsets or ambient speakers, audio guides can provide rich, informative content that enhances the visitor’s understanding and enjoyment of the attraction. This could be anything from historical narratives to nature sounds, all designed to complement the visual experience rather than compete with it.

Just-in-Time Information

Delivering information just in time is another strategy to keep the tech experience seamless and integrated. Instead of overwhelming visitors with data all at once, information can be provided contextually and when it is most relevant. For instance, using location-based services, visitors can receive insights about exhibits or natural features as they approach them, maintaining their engagement with the surroundings.

Follow-Up Engagement

Technology can also be utilised to extend the visitor experience beyond the physical visit. A follow-up email with additional information, photos, and related content can help visitors relive their experience and stay connected with the attraction. This type of engagement can be particularly effective in building lasting relationships with visitors and encouraging repeat visits.

Beyond Phones and Screens

Ultimately, I encourage everyone to think about technology beyond just phones, screens, and apps. There is a vast world of engagement possibilities that technology can offer in a much more mindful and enriching way. For example, augmented reality can enhance specific elements of the attraction without being intrusive, or RFID wristbands can provide interactive experiences while keeping visitors' hands free.


In conclusion, while technology is an integral part of modern life, it doesn’t have to be intrusive or detract from the real-world experiences we cherish. At Fluff, we are committed to developing tech solutions that enhance, rather than dominate, the visitor experience. By focusing on thoughtful integration and mindful use, we can create environments where technology adds value and enriches our interactions with the world around us.

If you’re interested in exploring how non-intrusive technology can enhance your visitor attraction, I’d love to chat.

At Fluff, we offer a Discovery phase where we can dive into your unique challenges and provide tailored solutions. Let's work together to create tech experiences that truly enhance and delight.

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