Empowering the Engineering Construction Industry with the ECITB Connected Competence Platform

Developing a scalable, user-friendly platform for ECITB’s Connected Competence initiative, transforming complex technical data into an accessible resource for the engineering construction industry.


The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) plays a crucial role in equipping the engineering construction workforce with the skills needed to meet the industry's evolving challenges. Recognising the need to support a new initiative, Connected Competence, ECITB approached Fluff Software to help bring this vision to life. Our task was to develop an online platform and interactive tool that would serve as a vital resource for the workforce, employers, and stakeholders within the industry.

The Challenge

Connected Competence was conceived as a pivotal initiative aimed at standardising and elevating competence across the engineering construction industry. The platform needed to cater to three distinct audiences: workers seeking to enhance their skills, employers responsible for workforce development, and stakeholders managing large sites and assets. The primary challenge was to distill a vast amount of technical information into an accessible, easy-to-navigate format that could effectively serve these varied user groups.

The platform needed to be not only informative but also flexible enough to evolve alongside the initiative. This meant creating a scalable and robust system that could accommodate future updates and expansions as the Connected Competence program matured.

Early design workshop focusing on user needs and content hierarchy for the ECITB Connected Competence platform.

Approach & Design

Our approach began with an early design workshop to establish a clear framework for the website. Given the diverse audiences, it was essential to create a hierarchy that allowed users to easily find relevant information. We focused on simplifying the navigation and organising content in a way that was logical and intuitive.

The website design centred around clarity and accessibility. We selected clear, easy-to-read fonts and worked closely with a copywriter to ensure that the technical content was presented in a user-friendly manner. Each audience type—whether worker, employer, or stakeholder—could quickly navigate to the information that was most relevant to them.

To ensure the platform could adapt to the changing needs of the industry, we built it on a modern WordPress stack. This choice allowed us to take advantage of WordPress’s flexibility and extensive plugin ecosystem while also providing a scalable foundation for future development. By integrating continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) practices, we enabled rapid updates and iterations, ensuring the site could evolve as the Connected Competence initiative grew.

Simplified website hierarchy for the Connected Competence platform, showcasing audience-specific navigation.

Scalability & Continuous Improvement

Scalability was a key consideration from the outset. We designed the platform using scalable coding patterns, allowing for seamless expansion and integration of new features. The continuous deployment pipeline we implemented made it easy to push updates, ensuring the site remains current and responsive to the needs of its users.

This approach not only supported the initial launch but also laid the groundwork for ongoing enhancements. As Connected Competence progresses, the platform is well-positioned to incorporate new content, tools, and resources without requiring extensive redevelopment.

Dashboard illustrating the scalable architecture and continuous deployment integration for the Connected Competence site.

A Robust Online Application

Beyond the main website, ECITB required a more specialised tool—a web application that could serve as a "digital handbook." This tool needed to help users map the Connected Competence framework to their own systems, making it an essential resource for both employers and stakeholders.

We took Excel-based files filled with technical data and transformed them into an interactive, easy-to-use web application. Using TailwindCSS, we ensured that the app was fully responsive, providing a seamless experience across mobile devices and desktop computers alike. The application retained the clean, accessible design language of the main website, ensuring consistency and ease of use.

This robust online tool not only simplifies complex data but also empowers users to integrate the Connected Competence framework into their own workflows, enhancing the initiative's reach and effectiveness.

Responsive web application for Connected Competence, displaying technical data in an intuitive format.

The Outcome

The ECITB Connected Competence platform has successfully met its objectives, providing a user-friendly, scalable resource that supports the engineering construction industry’s workforce development goals. The platform’s clear and accessible design has made it easier for workers, employers, and stakeholders to engage with the Connected Competence initiative, driving its adoption and impact.

The project demonstrates Fluff Software’s ability to handle complex technical challenges and deliver solutions that are not only functional but also flexible and future-proof. The platform continues to evolve, with the foundation we built enabling ongoing improvements and expansions.


The Connected Competence platform is a prime example of how thoughtful design and robust technology can come together to support industry-wide initiatives. Fluff Software’s collaboration with ECITB has resulted in a platform that not only meets today’s needs but is also prepared for tomorrow’s challenges. As the engineering construction industry continues to grow and evolve, the Connected Competence platform stands ready to adapt, ensuring it remains a valuable resource for years to come.

The team at Fluff Software have been instrumental in bringing the vision of Connected Competence to a digital platform. Branding of the programme, and the design, and development of the website and web app was swift, and they check in throughout the process to make sure that things are working for us.

Steven Rick
Senior Service Designer, ECITB

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