Enhancing Pilot Training with a Custom Mobile App

Transforming pilot training by creating a versatile, user-friendly mobile application for both revision and in-flight reference.


In aviation, precision and consistency are paramount. Pilots, whether students or seasoned professionals, rely on standardised procedures at every stage of a flight to ensure safety and efficiency. However, traditional training tools, such as classroom instruction and physical checklists, often fall short in providing the most effective way to review and internalise these procedures. Recognising this gap, private pilot Fabio Toyama approached Fluff Software with a unique challenge: to transform a set of physical training cards into a versatile, user-friendly mobile application that could serve both as a revision tool and an in-flight reference.

The Challenge

Pilots are typically taught flight procedures either in a classroom setting with the aid of whiteboards and markers or directly in the cockpit during flight lessons. The primary tool for recalling these procedures is a checklist, which ensures that each step is completed in the correct order. While checklists are invaluable for in-flight use, they aren't designed for effective revision or deeper learning.

Fabio had been working independently on a solution—a series of cards designed to visually represent these flight procedures. These cards needed to be accessible both for thorough pre-flight revision and for quick reference during actual flights. The challenge was to translate this concept into a digital format that would be both in-depth enough for learning and intuitive enough for quick access in the cockpit.

Early wireframe session displaying initial design concepts for the Checkflight app, aimed at enhancing pilot training.

Research & Design

We began the project by carefully reviewing the physical cards Fabio had created. These cards were thoughtfully designed to display complex flight procedures, but the challenge was adapting them for digital use across a range of screen sizes. It was crucial that the app be intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate, zoom, and pan through the content.

Through several iterations of design and user testing, we developed an interaction model that achieved these goals. The fixed-card format was maintained, as it proved to be the most effective layout for quick in-cockpit reference. However, we also prioritised a clean, minimalist design that let the content shine without unnecessary distractions.

Engaging Fabio throughout the design process was critical. His feedback helped us tailor the app to meet the specific needs of pilots, ensuring that the final product would be both functional and effective for its intended audience.


For the development of the Checkflight app, we selected React Native as the primary framework. React Native offered several key advantages, including the ability to develop a single codebase that works across iOS, Android, and the web. This approach not only streamlined the development process but also allowed us to bring the app to market more quickly and with fewer iterations.

We also integrated Firebase, a powerful platform that supports app development with features such as analytics, crash reporting, and user authentication. Firebase was particularly valuable for managing the testing process, enabling us to release early builds to a trusted group of partners for feedback. The insights gained from Firebase’s analytics tools were instrumental in making data-driven decisions that further refined the app.

The final product successfully combined a custom user interface with familiar mobile design patterns, making the app both accessible and visually appealing to users. The combination of React Native and Firebase allowed us to deliver a reliable, scalable application that met all of Fabio’s requirements and exceeded his expectations.

Final implementation of the Checkflight app, showcasing its intuitive user interface and pilot-friendly features.


The Checkflight app represents a significant step forward in pilot training tools. By transforming a set of physical training cards into a versatile mobile application, we provided pilots with a powerful tool for both pre-flight revision and in-flight reference. The app’s clean design, intuitive navigation, and cross-platform functionality make it an invaluable resource for pilots at all stages of their training.

This project highlights Fluff Software’s ability to take a client’s vision and bring it to life through thoughtful design, rigorous testing, and cutting-edge technology. The Checkflight app is now positioned to fill a crucial gap in the aviation industry, providing pilots with a reliable, user-friendly tool that enhances their training and ensures safety in the skies.

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