Helping Children Learn About A Farm's Animals with a Unique Digital Experience

Southampton City Farm partnered with Fluff Software to create a scavenger hunt that showcases their animals, enhancing the visitor experience and supporting the farm’s educational mission.


Southampton City Farm, a beloved local charity, offers visitors the chance to engage with a variety of farm animals in a welcoming, community-focused environment. As a small charity, they constantly seek innovative ways to enhance the visitor experience while promoting their educational and outreach goals. After seeing the success of Huntly at Farmer Palmer’s, Southampton City Farm approached Fluff Software to explore how a custom Huntly quest could be used to engage their visitors, particularly children, and highlight the diverse range of animals at the farm.

The Challenge

Southampton City Farm is home to a wide variety of animals, from chickens and goats to ponies and pigs. However, as a small charity with limited resources, they faced the challenge of effectively showcasing these animals to visitors in a way that was both engaging and educational. The team wanted a solution that would not only highlight the animals but also encourage visitors to explore the entire farm, learning about the animals as they went along.

The farm needed an interactive tool that was easy to implement, required minimal staffing, and could be seamlessly integrated into their existing offerings. Additionally, they wanted something that would be accessible to visitors of all ages, providing a fun, educational experience that aligned with their mission of promoting animal care and agricultural education.

The Solution

After understanding the unique needs of Southampton City Farm, we developed a custom Huntly quest designed to guide visitors around the farm and introduce them to each of the animals in a fun and engaging way. The quest was carefully crafted to include stops at all the major animal enclosures, with each stop providing interactive content that educated visitors about the animals they were seeing.

Families using the Huntly app to explore Southampton City Farm’s animal enclosures, engaging with interactive educational content.

The quest was tailored to the farm’s educational goals, featuring facts about the animals, their habitats, and their care. For children, the app included interactive challenges that made learning about the animals exciting and rewarding. Each completed challenge earned the participants digital badges, adding a layer of gamification that encouraged continued exploration.

The Huntly app was also designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that visitors of all ages could easily participate in the quest. Whether it was a child on a school visit or a family enjoying a day out, the app provided a structured yet flexible way to engage with the farm and its inhabitants.

The Outcome

The custom Huntly quest quickly became a valuable addition to Southampton City Farm’s visitor experience. Families and school groups alike enjoyed the interactive nature of the app, with children particularly excited to complete the challenges and learn more about the animals. The quest not only highlighted the diverse range of animals at the farm but also provided an educational experience that aligned with the farm’s mission.

From an operational perspective, the Huntly quest helped to enhance visitor engagement without requiring additional resources. The app allowed the farm to offer a guided, educational experience that could be easily managed by the existing team, making it a cost-effective solution for a small charity.

Visitors’ feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the app for making their visit more engaging and informative. The farm noted an increase in the number of visitors who spent time exploring all areas of the farm, rather than just the main attractions, which contributed to a richer overall experience.


Southampton City Farm’s custom Huntly quest is a testament to how small charities can leverage technology to enhance visitor experiences and promote their educational missions. By creating an interactive, engaging tool that showcases the farm’s animals, Fluff Software helped Southampton City Farm provide a memorable and informative experience for visitors of all ages.

At Fluff Software, we are dedicated to developing tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients, no matter their size. This project highlights our ability to create impactful digital tools that support educational goals and enhance the visitor experience, even for small, resource-limited organisations.

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