Merging the Magic of Nature with Digital Engagement

Huntly is an innovative mobile app developed by Fluff Software that merges digital engagement with outdoor exploration, enhancing visitor experiences at attractions through interactive quests and gamification.


At Fluff Software, our mission is to harness technology to solve real-world challenges, particularly in sectors where digital and physical experiences can blend to create something extraordinary. One such challenge is encouraging younger generations to engage with the natural world in an age dominated by screens and digital content. This challenge led us to develop Huntly, an immersive mobile application that seamlessly integrates outdoor exploration with digital engagement. The app was designed not only to captivate children and promote outdoor activities but also to serve as a powerful tool for visitor attractions looking to enhance their guest experiences.

The Challenge

In today's digital age, attracting children away from their screens and into the great outdoors is an increasingly difficult task. Many children are more drawn to the instant gratification offered by digital devices than to the slower-paced joys of nature. For parents and educators, balancing screen time with healthy outdoor activities has become a significant concern. Moreover, visitor attractions such as nature reserves, museums, and holiday parks are continually seeking innovative ways to engage their younger visitors, increase dwell time, and encourage repeat visits.

The challenge was clear: create a digital tool that not only captivates children's attention but also motivates them to explore the physical world around them. The solution needed to be engaging, easy to use, and versatile enough to be customised for various types of visitor attractions. Additionally, it was essential that the tool could offer parents peace of mind by promoting both fun and educational content that encourages outdoor exploration.

The Solution

Our response to this challenge was Huntly, an innovative mobile app that transforms outdoor exploration into an interactive digital adventure. Huntly is more than just a game; it is a bridge between the digital and natural worlds, designed to make outdoor activities exciting and engaging for children.

Happy children completing a Huntly quest at a visitor attraction, showcasing successful integration of digital and physical exploration.

Key Features of Huntly:

  1. Interactive Quests: At the heart of Huntly are its interactive quests. Each quest is designed to guide children on a physical journey, whether it’s exploring a forest, navigating a schoolyard, or discovering the hidden gems of a museum. Quests are filled with unique items for children to find, collect, and learn about, making the exploration both educational and fun.
  2. Customisability for Visitor Attractions: One of the standout features of Huntly is its ability to be fully customised for different environments. Visitor attractions can work with us to create quests tailored to their specific locations, highlighting key features and stories that make their site unique. This customization not only enhances the visitor experience but also encourages longer visits and repeat patronage.
  3. Gamification and Rewards: To keep children motivated, Huntly incorporates gamification elements such as achievements and badges. As children complete quests and find items, they earn rewards that are stored in the app. This immediate feedback system encourages ongoing participation and makes outdoor activities feel as rewarding as their digital counterparts.
  4. Parental Peace of Mind: For parents, Huntly offers a way to balance screen time with outdoor activity. The app is designed to be safe and family-friendly, ensuring that the content is appropriate and educational. Parents can rest easy knowing that their children are not only playing but also learning and staying active.
  5. User-Friendly Design: The app’s interface is intuitive and easy for children to navigate. We put significant effort into UX design, ensuring that even the youngest users could easily interact with the app and enjoy the experience without frustration.
Screenshot of the Huntly mobile app showing a quest in progress, highlighting user-friendly design and interactive gameplay.

For Visitor Attractions: Enhancing Guest Experiences

Huntly offers visitor attractions a unique opportunity to engage their guests in new ways. By incorporating the app into their offerings, attractions can create personalised quests that highlight the best aspects of their venue. Whether it’s guiding children through a historical exhibit or encouraging them to explore the hidden paths of a nature reserve, Huntly adds a layer of interaction that enhances the overall visitor experience.

The app also serves as a valuable tool for attractions looking to increase dwell times and drive repeat visits. The interactive nature of the quests means that children are likely to spend more time exploring the attraction, which in turn leads to longer visits and greater satisfaction. Moreover, because the quests can be updated or changed, attractions can offer fresh experiences that encourage guests to return.

The Outcome

Since its launch, Huntly has received overwhelming positive feedback, with thousands of downloads and enthusiastic responses from children, parents, and our industry partners. Visitor attractions that have integrated Huntly into their offerings have reported increased engagement and satisfaction among their guests. The app’s success lies in its ability to fuse the digital and physical realms, providing children with a digital "quest" that fuels their exploration of the actual world.

At Fluff Software, we believe that Huntly is just the beginning. The project has demonstrated the potential of using technology to enhance real-world experiences, particularly in the visitor attraction sector. By creating a product that resonates with both children and parents, we have shown that it is possible to bring the magic of nature into the digital age.

Children using Huntly app during a nature walk, exploring digital quests in a natural setting.


Huntly exemplifies our commitment to developing software solutions that address contemporary challenges in innovative ways. For visitor attractions, the app offers a powerful tool to enhance guest experiences, increase engagement, and encourage repeat visits. As we continue to evolve Huntly and expand its reach, we look forward to partnering with more attractions to bring this unique blend of digital and natural engagement to life.

If you'd like to find out more about Huntly, or see it in action, you can do so here:


Apple App Store:

Google Play Store:

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