Revolutionizing Assessment Centres with a focus on the digital experience

creating a custom web application that streamlines in-person assessment centre events and delivers a superior experience for students, assessors, and administrators.


TG Consulting, a leader in educational consulting and student assessments, was facing significant challenges with their existing assessment centre solutions. Frustrated by the limitations and inefficiencies of third-party platforms, they sought a tailored solution that could meet their specific needs. TG Consulting turned to Fluff Software to develop a custom web application, aptly named "EVOLUTION," designed to streamline their in-person assessment centre events. The goal was to create a platform that would offer a superior experience to all users—students, assessors, and event administrators alike.

The Challenge

Assessment centres are critical to the educational journey, providing a structured environment where students can be evaluated through a variety of exercises and interactions. However, the existing third-party platforms that TG Consulting had been using were not meeting their standards. These platforms were often clunky, difficult to use, and failed to provide the flexibility needed to accommodate TG Consulting’s specific assessment processes.

The challenge was clear: TG Consulting needed a web application that could simplify and enhance the assessment process, ensuring that students could focus on showcasing their skills, assessors could easily evaluate performance, and event administrators could manage the entire process with minimal hassle. The platform needed to be intuitive, flexible, and capable of handling the unique demands of in-person assessment centres.

Design and User Experience

From the outset, our focus was on creating a user-centred design that catered to the distinct needs of each user group—students, assessors, and event administrators. We began by collaborating closely with TG Consulting to map out the specific requirements and workflows for their assessment centres.

For students, the platform needed to be straightforward and stress-free. The interface was designed to be clean and intuitive, allowing students to easily navigate through their assessment tasks without unnecessary distractions. This simplicity helps reduce anxiety and allows students to focus on performing their best.

Assessors required tools that would enable them to efficiently evaluate student performance and provide feedback. We designed an interface that allowed assessors to seamlessly move between different assessment tasks, input scores, and make notes. The platform also supports real-time collaboration among assessors, enabling a more dynamic and accurate evaluation process.

Event administrators needed robust tools to manage the entire assessment process—from scheduling and tracking attendance to collecting and analyzing results. The admin dashboard was built with comprehensive controls that allow for easy oversight and management of all aspects of the event, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

Prototype of the student interface on the EVOLUTION platform, emphasizing its clean and user-friendly design.

Development and Implementation

The development of the EVOLUTION platform was approached with flexibility and scalability in mind. Given the complexity of the assessment processes and the need for real-time interactions, we chose a tech stack that could deliver both performance and reliability.

We built the platform using a combination of modern web technologies, ensuring that it could handle the demands of large-scale in-person events. The system was designed to be fully responsive, allowing users to access it from any device, whether they were using a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.

A key feature of the EVOLUTION platform is its ability to handle real-time data processing and collaboration. This was critical for enabling assessors to work together during assessments, sharing observations and insights instantly. We also implemented robust data security measures to protect sensitive student information and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Throughout the development process, we maintained close communication with TG Consulting, conducting regular testing and iterations to refine the platform. This collaborative approach ensured that the final product met all of their requirements and exceeded their expectations.

The Outcome

The EVOLUTION platform has transformed the way TG Consulting conducts their in-person assessment centre events. By providing a best-in-class experience for students, assessors, and event administrators, the platform has streamlined the entire assessment process, making it more efficient, accurate, and user-friendly.

Students now have a stress-free environment in which to demonstrate their abilities, while assessors benefit from tools that enhance their ability to provide fair and thorough evaluations. Event administrators can now manage complex assessment events with ease, thanks to the platform’s powerful and intuitive management tools.

TG Consulting has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from all users, reinforcing the value of investing in a custom solution tailored to their specific needs. The success of the EVOLUTION platform has not only improved their assessment processes but also positioned TG Consulting as a leader in educational assessment technology.


The development of the EVOLUTION platform is a testament to Fluff Software’s ability to deliver custom, user-centric solutions that address complex challenges. By focusing on the specific needs of each user group, we were able to create a platform that enhances the overall assessment experience and provides lasting value to TG Consulting.

At Fluff Software, we are dedicated to building solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations. The EVOLUTION platform is a shining example of how a tailored approach can lead to transformative results, helping organisations to operate more efficiently and effectively.

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