Showcasing Green Skills in Engineering for COP26

Design and development of a scalable and educational Green Skills website, launched in time for COP26, showcasing the critical role of green engineering in a sustainable future.


As a leading advocate for closing the skills gap in the engineering and manufacturing sectors, Enginuity is committed to promoting the essential skills needed for a sustainable future. In the run-up to the pivotal COP26 climate conference, Enginuity set a new goal: to showcase the critical role of green skills in the engineering sector. To achieve this, they needed an engaging, educational online platform that could be launched in time for the global event. Fluff Software was approached to bring this vision to life under tight deadlines and high expectations.

The Challenge

Enginuity’s goal was to create a platform that would effectively highlight the depth and importance of green engineering skills, reaching a wide and diverse audience. The website needed to be both inspiring and educational, providing users with a clear understanding of how green skills are shaping the future of engineering.

The timeline was particularly challenging, with only a few weeks to go before COP26. This meant that rapid development, effective communication, and agile decision-making were critical to ensuring the project was completed on time. The platform also had to be scalable and adaptable, capable of evolving with the fast-paced developments in green engineering and sustainability practices.

Screenshot of the Green Skills website homepage, highlighting dynamic and educational content on sustainable engineering.

Design & Build

Our first priority was to design a platform that would allow the rich content on green skills to shine. Given the educational focus of the project, it was crucial that the website was easy to navigate, visually appealing, and accessible to a broad audience. We implemented responsive web design practices to ensure the site was fully optimised for both mobile devices and desktop computers, recognising the need for flexibility in how users might access the content.

We understood that the content around green skills would be constantly evolving, so we placed a strong emphasis on the content management system (CMS) to make it as user-friendly as possible. Enginuity’s team needed to be able to update the site frequently and with ease, ensuring that the latest news, resources, and developments in green engineering could be shared quickly and efficiently.

Using best-in-class tools, we were able to deliver the first version of the website within just five days. This rapid turnaround allowed us to gather immediate feedback from both internal stakeholders and external users, which we then incorporated into the site well ahead of the COP26 launch. The iterative feedback loop ensured that the platform not only met but exceeded expectations in terms of functionality and user experience.

Responsive design showcasing the Green Skills website on multiple devices, emphasising accessibility and user experience.

Scalability & Purpose

Although the initial launch of the website was timed for COP26, we designed the platform with longevity in mind. The foundations laid during the initial build were robust and scalable, enabling Enginuity to continue adding new features and content long after the event. This forward-thinking approach ensured that the website could grow alongside the ongoing developments in green engineering, maintaining its relevance and value as a key resource in the sector.

The site’s scalability also allowed for additional versions to be developed rapidly, further enhancing its capabilities and ensuring that Enginuity could continue to deliver cutting-edge information on green skills to a global audience.

The Outcome

The Green Skills website launched successfully in time for COP26, providing an engaging and informative platform that effectively showcased the importance of green skills in engineering. The rapid development process, combined with iterative feedback and continuous improvement, resulted in a high-quality website that resonated with both industry professionals and the general public.

The platform’s success at COP26 was just the beginning. Its scalable design has allowed Enginuity to keep the website updated with the latest information, ensuring it remains a vital resource for anyone interested in the intersection of engineering and sustainability. The project not only met the immediate needs of the COP26 event but also positioned Enginuity as a leader in promoting green skills for the future.


The Green Skills website project exemplifies Fluff Software’s ability to deliver high-quality, scalable digital solutions under tight deadlines. By combining our expertise in responsive design, CMS integration, and rapid development, we helped Enginuity create a platform that not only met the demands of a major global event but also laid the groundwork for future growth and impact.

At Fluff Software, we take pride in our ability to support forward-thinking organisations like Enginuity, helping them to achieve their goals through innovative, user-centric digital experiences. The Green Skills project is a testament to our commitment to excellence, even under the most challenging circumstances.

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